Cross-plan offsetting: What is it, and why do you need to know?
Cross-plan offsetting is a common practice among insurance carriers and third-party administrators (TPAs) that can put employers at risk.

Reminder: Medicare Part D notices due to Medicare-enrolled participants prior to Oct. 15
Under federal rules, health plan sponsors are required to notify their Medicare-enrolled participants and dependents on at least an annual basis concerning the “creditable” or “noncreditable” nature of the group health plan’s prescription drug coverage.
Employees Receiving ACA Premium Subsidies May File Retaliation Claims on DOL Website
When a full-time employee qualifies for premium assistance to purchase coverage on an exchange his or her employer may incur a penalty under the play or pay mandate (see our Alert). Employers will know when their employees qualify for premium assistance because...
And Another Data Breach
Health Insurer Anthem Reports Massive Data Breach The nation's second largest health insurers, Anthem Inc., is the lastest to fall victim to hackers. Anthem reports that as many as 80 million current and former customers have had their account information stolen in a...
Praise Me, Include Me, and Make Me Healthy…Please.
Employers today are dealing with a multigenerational workforce that includes a mix of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (which, interestingly enough, may not really exist because it’s so indistinct), and…ta da! The Millennials. This most recent generation is the largest age...
How the Future of HR Technology Buying is Changing
Last week, our team had the opportunity to gather together during our semi-annual confab. It was a long, but fun and educational week. In between our BBQ binges and Whirly Ball tournaments we had the opportunity to discuss some of the HR Technology trends and vendors...
6 Keys to Preventing or Resolving Implementation Drama
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Recently, my team has been brought in on a few implementations that haven’t gone quite as expected. I understand that sometimes you might do everything right leading up to the implementation and still have some issues...
Deadlines and Reminders
Compliance deadlines for health and welfare plans continue to abound as we start 2015. In the listing below, we focus on compliance deadlines during the first half of 2015. Although Jan. 1 has passed, we have also included items having compliance deadlines related to...
What’s Ahead?
Wow, we are already a week into 2015 and I still don’t have a hover board! In all seriousness, I think 2015 will be a big year for technology advances. Since there are way too many areas of technology trends to discuss on this blog, I’ll focus on my favorite area…you...
The Collision of Progressive Politics and Fiscal Limitations: Vermont Slams the Brakes on its Single-Payer Healthcare Initiative
Posted on behalf of Ed Fensholt, J.D. – Senior Vice President and Director – Lockton Compliance Services Something worth noticing played out in the Green Mountain State last week. Vermont, no stranger to progressive politics, abandoned its single-payer healthcare...
Problem Solved? Congress Exempts Expat Coverage from Some ACA Rules
Posted on behalf of Mark Holloway, J.D. – Senior Vice President and Director – Lockton Compliance Services One of the areas in the employee benefit world where agency guidance has been sorely needed is the application of federal tax and ERISA rules, particularly rules...
Lockton Spreading Holiday Cheer
I have to say, there are many reasons I love working at Lockton. Though hands down my favorite part is the people! There are so many great people working at Lockton. If you don’t believe me, take a look at this year’s collection pile for the Salvation Army’s Angel...
NexGen Cloud Conference Recap (Part 2)
In case you missed the first part of Brad’s conference recap from the NexGen Cloud Conference he attended, you can read it here. As promised, here is the rest of the recap. (And yes, it is just as geeky as the first installment.) What if, as humans, we could process...
NexGen Cloud Conference Recap (Part 1)
A few weeks ago, one of my teammates Brad had the opportunity to go to the NexGen Cloud Conference in San Diego. (I know what you might be thinking, just stay with me for a second; this isn't going to get too geeky.) Here is his quick unpacking of some of the...