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I have to say, there are many reasons I love working at Lockton. Though hands down my favorite part is the people! There are so many great people working at Lockton. If you don’t believe me, take a look at this year’s collection pile for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. Lockton Associates could volunteer to adopt children off of the Angel Tree and buy presents for them. Each child’s presents were to be placed in a trash bag and dropped off in an empty office. As you can see, there was a lot of generosity spilling out of that room! I love that as a company, we can come together to help out our community! Lockton’s We Live Service motto goes beyond helping our clients, but extends to the communities in which we reside.

Angel Tree 3

Angel Tree 2

Speaking of great people, the entire HR Technology and Outsourcing Practice was in town last week for our holiday party. It was so great to spend time with those members of the team who represent our practice all across the country!

On behalf of the Lockton HR Technology and Outsourcing Practice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and yours!