Michigan passes Earned Sick Time Act: Commentators expect changes
Michigan became the most recent state to pass a paid sick leave law. Commentators expect the Michigan Earned Sick Time Act to be amended before its implementation date; therefore, employers should be aware that the Act is on the books, but its application is open to change.

House to consider changes to ACA employer provisions
The House is scheduled to consider The Save American Workers Act, which would make significant changes to employer requirements under the Affordable Care Act.
Free Pass for Expat Plans…at Least Partially So
Life just got a lot easier under the federal health reform law, for expatriate coverage. Expat coverage has been subject to a confusing patchwork of special rules and exceptions under several key portions of the law, such as certain benefit and administrative...
Self-Funded Plans Covering Connecticut Lives Will Pay New Assessment
Connecticut has joined the growing list of states that are indirectly applying taxes and fees to self-funded medical plans. Specifically, the State will be applying a $10.23 fee per Connecticut covered life to help fund a state-sponsored vaccine program for...
Lockton Expert is Panelist at Feb. 19 Health Reform Symposium
Lockton's Ed Fensholt, J.D. , Senior Vice President and Director, Compliance Services is part of the upcoming Health Reform Symposium on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 in Overland Park, Kansas - sponsored by the Kansas City Business Journal. The event promises to help...
IRS Offers Fix for Retroactive Transit Increase
Earlier this month we reported on the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), and its impact on employee fringe benefits. One change under ATRA that left employers scratching their heads was the retroactive nature of the increase to the maximum pre-tax...
Feds Set to Delay March 1 Employer Notice Deadline, on Exchanges
The federal health reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) imposes an obligation on employers to notify all employees by March 1, 2013, about the existence of the state-based insurance exchanges required by the PPACA, and about the value of...
Massachusetts Introduces Legislation to Eliminate Employer Fair Share Contribution
On January 8, 2013, Governor Deval Patrick proposed legislation that will eliminate the penalties certain employers face, under state law, for not offering health insurance coverage to their employees in Massachusetts. The legislation would eliminate the...
Update to “Crisis Averted…or Merely Postponed? – The Fiscal Cliff Deal and What it Means for Employer Benefit Plans”
Following passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the Act)--the legislation that seals the “fiscal cliff” deal--the IRS has issued its final 2013 cost of living adjustments to incorporate the latest tax rates. A couple of these adjustments differ from the...
Crisis Averted…or Merely Postponed? – The Fiscal Cliff Deal and What It Means for Employer Benefit Plans
President Obama signed into law on Wednesday the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, a last minute compromise by federal lawmakers that pulled the nation away from the “fiscal cliff.” The law makes permanent numerous federal tax provisions scheduled to expire on...
IRS Offers First Proposed Regulations on “Play or Pay;” Mostly Good News, but Much Complexity
The IRS has released its first set of formal, proposed regulations, and a parallel set of questions and answers, on the health reform law’s “play or pay” mandate on employers. Lockton is preparing two separate Alerts to address the 144 pages of regulations, but here’s...
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Same-Sex Marriage Cases in 2013
On Friday, December 7, 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and a case concerning the 2008 ballot measure in California that banned same-sex marriage. The cases will be heard by the Court in...
Federal health reform guidance released over the past few weeks covered an abundance of topics, some of which impacted employers. In this Alert Mark Holloway, J.D. from the Lockton Health Reform Advisory Practice breaks them all down for you, including an...
Maine and Maryland Become First States to Back Same-Sex Marriage at the Ballot Box
Same-sex marriage was on the ballot yesterday in four states - Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. With results in from three of the four states, it appears that proponents of same-sex marriage have won historic victories. Voters in Maryland and Maine approved...