Judge who struck down ACA says the law remains in place pending appeal
The federal trial court judge who last month struck down the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, and then proceeded to strike the entire ACA, ruled on Sunday that the law remains in effect pending appeal.

The torturous path of the ACA’s contraceptive mandate takes another sharp turn
For employers in five states, the Trump administration rules about the ACA contraceptive mandate that were set to take effect in 2019 and that allowed more employers to opt out, will be put on hold.
Be Careful What You Ask For
I recently checked the Periodic Table (and no, I don’t have that as my shower curtain… anymore), but I couldn’t find a listing for feedback among the elements. Perhaps the chemistry texts haven’t been updated to reflect our new age, but I am truly convinced that...
Show Me
As a born-and-raised Missourian, I am very familiar with the state motto, “Show me.” To be clear, this is the Midwest ─ so unfortunately we’re not talking about “Show me the money” riches or even some Kid Ink/Chris Brown level romance lyrics here. Just some...
Good News (Sort of) Regarding HRAs in San Francisco
San Francisco authorities have partially reinvigorated—albeit at the eleventh hour—the use of health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) as a way to satisfy the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) for 2014 and beyond. For the first time, the City will...
Benefits Admin Brief
As our HR Tech team hunkers down to survive freezing sub-zero temps here in the Midwest, we sure seem to be hearing a lot of taunting chatter from our San Diego based teammate and blog collaborator, Paula. So not only do they have great weather, they also have a NFL...
Excepted Benefits and Canceled Policies Tackled by Feds in Latest ACA Guidance
Written by Mark Holloway, J.D. ‘Twas the Friday before Christmas, and federal regulators upheld their tradition of issuing regulatory guidance just before a major holiday. This latest installment proposes changes to the federal health reform law’s (the Affordable Care...
Merry Christmas 2013!
For those of you spending your holidays reading up on HR Tech (and who isn’t?!?) I wanted to leave you with the best wishes for you and yours from our team. For those of you who are Nice, the first card below is for you. On the other hand, for those of you who might...
New Mexico Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
The New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously ruled on December 19th that same-sex couples have the right to marry. The court held that "barring individuals from marrying and depriving them of the rights, protections and responsibilities of civil marriage solely because...
Rumors (The Workday type, not the Fleetwood Mac type)
Now that I wrote that headline, I think instead of Fleetwood Mac, we should be talking Hee-Haw: Now, we're not ones to go round spreadin' rumors Why really, we're just not the gossipy kind! Oh, you'll never hear one of us repeating gossip... …So you'd better be sure...
‘Tis the Season for Miracles
You would think that gathering our far-flung HR Technologists together for a 2013 Holiday Party wouldn’t be too headline worthy, right? After all, we’re a well-mannered crew – if a bit rowdy at times. There’s usually laughter and tales of daring do, but not danger....
A Look Ahead: 2014 HR Tech Trends
As I sit here in my office at 6 pm on a Friday, I realize that I am the perfect representative of a our #3 HR Tech Trend for 2014 – Too much to do, and too few precious hours & resources! Seriously, I came back from our team holiday party happy hour to finish some...
A Christmas Story
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except perhaps a mouse…with a hammer… One of our Project Managers, Paula, was telling a story the other day I thought you should hear. Take it away Paula: Remember sitting in...
Communication is Key
Technology has altered how we communicate in virtually every aspect of our world. Many of us communicate (and over-communicate) via social media sites. I am forever grateful for “Blocking” and “Un-Following” as the overload of updates and “selfies” fill my newsfeeds....