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Lockton Health Reform and Compliance
Finally, some good news! California’s Franchise Tax Board delays individual mandate reporting and disclosure deadlines

Finally, some good news! California’s Franchise Tax Board delays individual mandate reporting and disclosure deadlines

Well, 2021 is off to a contentious start politically, and coronavirus infections are surging again, but we have good news from California! The state’s taxing authority, the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), has extended or effectively extended the deadlines in 2021 for...

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Furloughs, layoffs, ACA measurement periods and next year’s medical plan eligibility: Chaos gives way to confusion

Furloughs, layoffs, ACA measurement periods and next year’s medical plan eligibility: Chaos gives way to confusion

As if 2020 has not already wrought enough chaos, many employers are finding that their medical plan eligibility rules are about to add insult to their employees’ injuries triggered by furloughs, layoffs or reduced work hours in 2020. Those reduced hours in 2020 may...

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Defining Due Diligence: How to Move to the Cloud Safely

“THE CLOUD.” What does that really mean? More importantly, what does it mean for you? These are million dollar questions these days, and everyone has their own opinions, leaving most of us confused, overwhelmed, and dumbfounded as to where to start. To clear up that...

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