Employer plans and electronic communications: Good news, sort of, for employer health and welfare plans
Recent DOL guidance on electronic communications for retirement plans provides a roadmap employers may find palatable.
DOL updates the model CHIP notice
The Department of Labor (DOL) has again updated the model Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) notice employers are required to provide annually to employees residing in any state, listed in the notice, in which the employer maintains a group health plan.
The impact of adolescent mental health and substance use on employers
Young people may not seem like a priority for employers but they should. Adolescents face a lot of change in a short amount of time, putting strain on their mental health.
Rolling Back Contraceptive Coverage? Play by the Regular Benefit-Cutback Notice Rules
Employers looking to roll back coverage of contraceptives, pursuant to the interim rules, must play by the regular rules regarding notice-of-benefit cutbacks.
Why I’m Banning “Great” from My Vocabulary
In 2001, James C. Collins published a book called Good to Great. And with that, “great” catapulted into our everyday vernacular as a descriptor for – well – just about everything: How’s the food? Great! How was your weekend? Great! How’s your...
Employee Engagement Ramblings & Research
A colleague sent me an article this morning that sparked a bit of research on my part and the beginnings of this (somewhat rambling) blog post. Employee engagement is something we talk about a lot these days. Whether you’re in HR, communications or the C-suite, you’re...
It’s the Same Everywhere. Only Different.
We recently brought 20 of Lockton’s smartest employee benefits communicators together for a couple of days of brainstorming and collaboration. Guess what I learned? Everyone has the same pain points. And everyone has a unique solution. It’s what makes Lockton so...
Is It Millennials Or Is It Just Youth?
Yesterday I read a really interesting piece describing how corporate America is so focused on the stereotypes associated with millennials that companies may be missing the bigger picture when trying to relate to young people. As in, it’s risky business to shove an...
Enhanced Employee Communication Mobile App
With 68 percent of Americans owning smartphones, it’s no wonder employers are considering (and often embracing) mobile apps as an effective tool for sharing benefits and company information with employees and their family members. Across Lockton, our Account Teams...
Open Year-Round: Reconsidering Traditional Benefit Communication Strategies
Employees who are extremely satisfied with their benefits program are nine times more likely to stay with their employer than workers who are dissatisfied with their benefits program. If you’re thinking, “Our company can’t afford to offer more benefits,” you aren’t...
Planting Seeds for Successful Change: 5 Factors to Consider
If your benefits plan runs on a calendar-year basis, then this is an important time of year. It’s the time when you and your company leadership are making crucial decisions about your benefits plan for 2017. And while you’re spending all that effort to decide what...
How to Get Your Employees’ Attention
Eight seconds. Studies show people have an average attention span of eight seconds, which is less than that of a goldfish. This means you have precious time to grab someone’s attention before you lose them. Between smartphones, tablets, Netflix and Facebook, it’s no...
Why Millennials are ‘Meh’ About Health Insurance
I'll admit, I am a millennial ... but just by a hair. Born in September of 1980, I barely make the cutoff. And with a husband, three kids, mortgage and a minivan, I often have much more in common with Generation X than Y. But, technically, I am a part of the largest...
Want to Reach Your Mature Workers? Meet Them Online!
Much has been written about Millennials and the very specific ways we, as benefits communicators, need to communicate with them. And while it’s important to plan for this group that will someday be the largest generation in the workplace, we shouldn’t lose focus on...
March Madness: What’s All the Hoopla About?
With March Madness underway, communicating with your employees might be the last thing on your mind. But having a little fun with them related to the March Madness tournament could build camaraderie that lasts all year long (that’s communications cleverly disguised as...