Ding dong, the HPID is dead: HHS proposes to kill health plan identifier standard
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed to eliminate the requirement that health plans obtain a HPID for purposes of transmitting HIPAA-governed electronic data.

Offering a wellness program? Two things employers should remember
Recent litigation involving workplace wellness programs provides important reminders about how these programs should be structured and administered.
HHS Exchange Guidance Addresses Fee Payable by Employer Health Plans
Posted on behalf of Mark Holloway, J.D. - Senior Vice President and Co-Director - Lockton Compliance Services The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued proposed regulations that address the requirements that would apply to health insurance...
The 3 Aspects of Service
From the moment I wake up in the morning until I lay my head down on the pillow at night, I am faced with choices. These choices sometimes scratch that, almost always come with consequences. Should I hit Snooze one more time and risk being late for work? Should I wear...
Supreme Court to Review Contraceptive Coverage Mandate
The Supreme Court agreed to hear a new challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), this time to decide whether for-profit corporations can refuse to provide insurance coverage for birth control drugs that violate the religious beliefs of the corporations' owners. The...
Talking ’bout My Generation
Promises Matter Okay, what did I even talk about before the advent of Healthcare Reform and the ACA? Every day delivers an HR Tech headline in an unprecedented spurt of relevance my career is having to everyday life. The latest is a great ad from Wellmark – a Blue...
Sex and the Insurance Marketplaces
Ah – it’s good to be busy! But, then again, when I’m running around the country lining up new HR Tech engagements for our team to tackle, it’s so easy to accidently neglect this little blog. I miss keeping up with you all and sharing our stories. I can’t tell you how...
If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep It…If the States and Your Insurer Agree
With storm clouds gathering over the White House last week as insurers cancelled or prepared to cancel millions of individual health insurance policies because the policies fail to conform to the federal health reform law, the White House blinked and offered that, if...
Minute to Win It
We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” (Yes, Mom, this blog post is dedicated to your worthy wisdom!) With all of the hustle and bustle of the coming holiday season, it can be easy to “put off” the things that can wait until...
Same-Sex Marriage Soon To Be Legal in Illinois and Hawaii
Updates: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, making Illinois the 16th state to allow same-sex marriage. The law won't take effect until June 1, 2013, which is when the first same-sex marriage ceremonies could take place. On...
Fall Colors, Football and … Open Enrollment?
For oh so many reasons, this is my favorite time of year! It’s not just because we’re on countdown to Turkey Day with all forty plus members of the family crowded into my cousin’s basement with fourteen pies to divide. Fall is wonderful and vibrant. The air is crisp,...
Republicans, Some Democrats, Call for Delay of the Individual Mandate
Health insurance-related media outlets are reporting that the wall of Democrat-based support for the federal health reform law’s “individual mandate” is beginning to crack. Some Congressional Democrats are calling for a delay in the Patient Protection and Affordable...
Help Wanted!
If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain; If you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain… Okay, so maybe that’s not exactly what we are looking for in the next member of our team (well, maybe the half a brain part). We are currently searching for...
Vicious Vendor Management Victimizes Uncle Sam’s CMS
I swear, if I am ever called to Capital Hill – as some of my Lockton teammates have been to get our insight into the employer impacts of Healthcare Reform– I am soooo calling in sick. I may be a big, badass blogger filled with fire and fury, but I’m not sure I have...