AI for HR tech: How automation fits into recruitment
The HR tech landscape is changing faster than ever. The most rapid area of change and innovation is happening in recruiting. The high volume and repetitive nature of this function makes it ripe for AI and “intelligent automation.”

It’s back from the grave: New HIRD form to haunt Massachusetts employers
The once-dead health insurance responsibility disclosure (HIRD) form for Massachusetts employers has been resurrected in time for the flurry of end-of-year reporting requirements.
Can’t Get Enough Health Reform? Neither Can We!
Recently, I wrote about the work our team is doing with regards to the Affordable Care Act and how it will change the way employers manage. With the ever-changing news coming out of Washington DC, it’s important that everyone (not just employers) understand the impact...
Trader Joe’s Trades Benefits for Stipend
One more retailer is making headlines by changing the mix and method of their employee benefits. Total Compensation is what we’re really talking about here and we all know benefits are only one part of that equation – but with the rising cost of healthcare, benefits...
COBRA Decision Support for Exchanges
This post is going to be a little different from our previous posts. I’ve been feeling guilty for the massively long articles we’ve been posting, so I’m going to try to be succinct. FDR had a great thought on this subject which I try to follow: “Be sincere; be brief;...
Exchange Notice Rumors Squashed by DOL Release
This just in from our crack compliance commandos: The U.S. Department of Labor has issued an FAQ confirming an employer won’t be penalized for failing to distribute the exchange notice. By October 1, employers are tasked with providing their current employees with a...
Waiting Periods For Insured Plans in California Limited to 60 Days
California has done the federal health reform law one better, and limited waiting periods under insured health plans to 60 days (the federal health reform law limits waiting periods to 90 days, beginning in 2014). The new rule applies to insurance contracts issued,...
Superhuman HR Technologists: Myth or Reality?
Superman has extreme strength and the ability to take flight. The Flash can run faster than the speed of sound. Lockton’s HR Outsourcing Experts (HeROEs) solve companies’ ever-growing needs in the HR Technology universe. OK, let’s face it, our HeROEs won’t be saving...
IRS DOMA Guidance and Benefits Administration Technology
“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Not to be uber-geeky but the quote by Morpheus in the glorious...
HR in the News: Labor Unrest and HRIS
Thankfully, I avoided getting caught up in the fast-food labor protests last Thursday since the folks who come and unchain me from my desk each day were stuck in a drive-through lane somewhere. Watching the news, it looks like last Thursday would have been a bad day...
What is Benefits Administration?
I got a lot of grief as a kid for daydreaming. Teachers would be trying to change the direction of my misguided youth and I’d be totally zoned out in the back of the classroom wondering if Major Tom or Ziggy Stardust were real people. If adults back then were being...
HR Tech Nightmares? We Can Help.
As children, we always wanted our parents to check under our beds, in our closets and under the blankets for the “boogie-man.” Nightmares of some dark presence gave us chills and left us awake in the middle of the night with nothing but silence and a cold sweat. And...
Are You Ready to Comply?
“. . . just because you have implemented technology, it does not mean you are set for compliance.” With the delay of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s employer shared responsibilities and obligations, it is easy to push aside your compliance strategy...
Do Epic “Stuff”
At our team meeting Friday, Maureen held our attention as she told of her week’s most uncomfortable moment. It was one of those awkward, feeling-bad-for-the-vendor events that we couldn’t hear enough about. Now, Maureen is not some shrinking violet here. She’s a...