IRS releases 2018 tax form 8994: Employer tax credit for paid family and medical leave
The 2018 Form 8994: Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave, may be filed by employers who wish to take a tax credit for payments made to employees under a qualified paid family and medical leave program.

DOL says employer plans can ignore state laws requiring written consent – should they?
A recently released information letter[1] from the US Department of Labor (DOL) raises an arcane issue around wage withholding laws.
One Simple Question
I’d like to tell you about a question. A very important question. Now, I’m not talking about some type of down on one knee question, that would be certainly a powerful question – if a little dramatic – for this setting. And this isn’t as serious a question as “what...
April Fooled
“Managing a family is a job all on its own.” In case you missed it, yesterday Workforce Management vendor Kronos launched their new product, Workforce Home. This new product allows the user to manage their home similar to the way they would manage things at the...
Implementation without End Game Understanding
Recently I read an article in a national magazine about the struggles with development of a system and shook my head in sorrow. The magazine relayed a tale of a company that required a highly visible technology solution. It hired a legion of contractors to develop...
Getting Covered: An Adventure on HealthCare.Gov
The second post of our private exchange week comes from another HR tech rookie, Eric. Eric is also a Project Coordinator on our team and new to the HR technology industry. It’s that time of year again. Everyone is talking about it at work. People are comparing their...
Private Exchanges 101
My name is Courtney and I am a Project Coordinator on Lockton’s HR Technology and Outsourcing Practice. I joined the team fresh out of college, with little experience or knowledge of the world of HR Technology. So, as you can understand, I was completely overwhelmed!...
2014 Health & Benefits Leadership Conference
After three long days in Las Vegas, I’m fighting nodding off on the plane ride home. I have bags under my eyes and my allergies are acting up, but I am returning home the victor with the same amount of cash with which I departed – a victory for any business trip, but...
Start With Why
A couple of years past, at a long, hot “State of the Companies” meeting, some folks in Lockton’s own IT shop turned me on to a book called Start With Why, by Simon Sinek that has made a significant impact in our consulting practice. The book’s basic concept is while...
Solving vs. Selling
“We are solving a unique problem for our clients. We are not selling product.” This is one of my all-time favorite quotes I’ve heard about what we’re all about here at Lockton. This particular bit of wisdom came from Lockton Benefits Consultant Lissa Thompson in our...
Why is Social Important?
If it wasn’t for one of the Project Coordinators on my team, Courtney, I might still be in the Dark Age when it comes to social media. She is our go-to for anything regarding LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. She recently attended a webinar about the topic of social...
Put your money where your SLAs are!
While I am recovering from my shoulder surgery, some of my teammates have stepped up to help out with this blog. Today's post is from Paula in San Diego. I was recently at a Comedy Show and I noticed the comedian placed his phone on a stool next to him and looked at...
Travel Weary
One of the downsides of scheduling shoulder surgery for this Friday, (Happy Valentine’s Day to me!) is that the recovery time will mean no plane travel for quite a bit afterwards. That’s why these past six weeks have had triple as much travel as usual, and I can...
Wanted: Robust Talent Management System for Major Construction Firm
Although a majority of the work that my team does is Benefits Administration, we do venture out into other areas of HR. Last year, we had the privilege of helping a major construction company client with a new Talent Management system. This Texas-based client was...