DOL updates mental health parity guidance – again
The DOL has issued new guidance to help plan administrators determine whether certain coverage guidelines applied to mental health and substance abuse treatment are permissible.

California expands domestic partner registration opportunity; San Francisco announces 2020 HCSO contribution rates
California recently expanded its definition of domestic partnership for purposes of registering with the state to receive the same state protections offered to spouses. San Francisco has updated Health Care Security Ordinance contribution rates and other limits for 2020.
Employee Engagement 101
I know it’s been a while since I’ve put out a “101” post, but I’m back with some more! In case you missed the last 101 post from me (Courtney), you can read it here. So the topic for today’s post is employee engagement. I choose this topic not because I am recently...
More States Recognize Same-Sex Marriages: No Mandate Yet that Self-Funded ERISA Plans Extend Coverage to Same-Sex Spouses
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 31 states and the District of Columbia now recognize same-sex marriages. Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear appeals challenging same-sex unions. The Supreme Court’s decision...
It’s the Economy, Stupid
A few months ago, I threw out the opportunity for interested writers to use this blog as their forum for sharing the gospel of HR Technology. I have had quite a few vendors take me up on that, but most recently a coworker within Lockton has thrown his thoughts our...
A Glimpse into the Future of Pharmacy Benefits
It’s no secret that the costs for prescription drugs are skyrocketing. What’s interesting (and disheartening) is that costs are increasing rapidly whether we’re talking about new drugs being introduced into the marketplace (think $85,000-100,000 to treat hepatitis C)...
HR Technology Conference Recap
What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been! Between the HR Technology Conference, being sick and the Royals’ winning playoff streak I have been consumed! I haven’t forgotten about the post I promised dishing all of the dirty details from the HR Technology...
Deadlines and Reminders for 4th Quarter 2014
In the world of employee benefits, one of the sure signs that fall has arrived is a flurry of articles regarding compliance deadlines to be met before the end of the year. To help you get a jump on next year’s issues, we have also included some of the compliance...
Greetings from HR Tech
Greetings from the HR Tech Conference! It's been a busy, knowledge-filled morning already! I can't wait to share all of the golden nuggets I've picked up thus far! We've got Project Managers scouring the Expo Hall floor and demo rooms and our booth is setup. (Booth...
The Hep C Drug Field Narrows
Today Bristol-Myers Squibb announced their decision to pull out of the hepatitis C drug race. We were expecting to see a combination therapy from Bristol-Myers in December or early 2015. Gilead, the manufacturer of Sovaldi and another Sovaldi combination therapy...
Ebola: What Employers Need to Know Today
You may be wondering what impact the Ebola virus might have on your business and/or employees. Should your employees stop traveling? Just how contagious is the virus anyway? Lockton consulted with our medical, pharmacy, and benefits experts, plus some external...
ISCEBS Symposium Recap: How Technology is Transforming Healthcare
Wow! What a few weeks! We’ve officially hit busy season around here! I am finally in the office and not jet setting across the country so I thought I would share a little bit of what I’ve been up to lately. A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at the...
Seeing Things Differently
As I mentioned a few posts ago, we are opening this space up to some guest contributors, other experts in our beloved HR Technology industry. Today I would like to present to you a post written by Rae Shanahan, EVP of Engagement & Excellence at Businessolver....
Cost Predictions for Gilead’s Next Hep C Treatment
There has been much criticism around Gilead’s hepatitis C treatment, Sovaldi, which runs $84,000 per treatment. When we add in the cost of the other medications that must be taken in combination with Sovaldi, the total cost of treatment is around $95,000. Don’t expect...