Federal authorities provide limited coronavirus-related relief for plan sponsors and individual taxpayers
Along with the immediate and unique challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to employers, these same employers – in their capacity as plan sponsors – are still tasked with their routine benefits plan reporting responsibilities. Happily, federal authorities have provided relief related to these obligations and deadlines.

State-mandated or encouraged insurance premium payment grace periods, and the risks they pose to ERISA plan sponsors
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, some states have prohibited or pointedly encouraged carriers from canceling benefits policies, so for some employers, deferring premium payments appears to be a win-win – employers retain cash for other immediate needs and employees don’t lose coverage. However, employers and their plans’ fiduciaries should be cautious for several reasons.
More ACA Technology Vendor Updates
In case you missed it, last week we shared some of the ACA technology vendor cutoff dates. We have a few more ACA technology vendor updates we'd like to share. The following ACA technology vendors have notified us of their cutoff dates for taking new clients this...
Improving the Health of Populations
You can’t read healthcare-related publications today without seeing references to population health management. It’s a fairly simple concept. Population health management (or PHM for short) refers to organizing and managing care to proactively improve the health of...
Submitting Your Own ACA Reporting Forms? The IRS has Homework for You!
The steady drumbeat announcing the coming leviathan of Affordable Care Act-related employer reporting continues to grow louder, even as we wait for the IRS to issue the final forms and instructions that will be used for reporting 2015 information in early 2016. This...
Warning! Order-Taker Market Ahead for ACA Reporting
Ahh, please do not pity the poor HR Technology sales representative these days. In fact, you may want to consider cutting back on your church’s charity collections for this cadre as they are about to experience sales nirvana. Unfortunately, this windfall will come at...
Is Obesity Overtaking Overweight?
According to a new study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the number of obese individuals in America has overtaken the number of people who are overweight. The study’s authors, from Washington University’s Prevention Research Center, estimate 67.6 million...
ICYMI: Supreme Court Keeps Subsidies – and the Employer Mandate – Alive
The Supreme Court today concluded that the ACA’s reference to exchanges established by “the State” is ambiguous. Does it mean one of the 50 states? Does it include the federal government’s exchange? The Court applied long-standing rules for resolving or interpreting...
Don’t Miss the Boat
In case you haven’t heard, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) isn’t going anywhere. Earlier today, the Supreme Court approved federal subsidies for health insurance through the HealthCare.gov exchange under the Affordable Care Act. You can read more on the 6 -3 ruling...
CMS Unable to Verify Legitimacy of Four Months Worth of Subsidy Payments…to the Tune of $12.8 Billion
A blistering report this week by the Department of Health and Human Service’s (HHS) Office of the Inspector General found shockingly poor accountability efforts by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to its payment of Affordable Care Act (ACA)...
FDA Kicks Trans Fat Out!
On Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took major action against the presence of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the main source of artificial trans fats in our diet. Mostly found in processed food, the FDA has given food manufacturers a three-year...
PCSK9 Inhibitors: Is Their Fast Track to Market About to Be Derailed?
Whether you’re a plan sponsor, doctor, patient or pharmacy benefit manager, you’re likely to be eagerly awaiting the release of new specialty medications to treat high cholesterol. Called PCSK9 inhibitors, these drugs are expected to hit the market for the first time...
From Z to A: Everything You Need to Know About The Zenefits vs. ADP Battle
Game of Thrones has nothing on the world of HR Technology! You want political intrigue and warring factions? Check! How about a giant challenged by an upstart in the court of public opinion? Check and check! In case you haven’t heard, things got a little nasty this...
The Shocking Reason Math Majors Shun Those of Us in HR & Benefits
Let’s start your workday off with a little HR Tech humor! We’re always known as such a cut-up crew as it is, so I’m sure no one’s surprised one of our readers sent in the following screenshot to lighten your day. Typically, when we hear a vendor say “No customizations...