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Lockton Health Reform and Compliance
Federal authorities provide limited coronavirus-related relief for plan sponsors and individual taxpayers

Federal authorities provide limited coronavirus-related relief for plan sponsors and individual taxpayers

Along with the immediate and unique challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to employers, these same employers – in their capacity as plan sponsors – are still tasked with their routine benefits plan reporting responsibilities. Happily, federal authorities have provided relief related to these obligations and deadlines.

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State-mandated or encouraged insurance premium payment grace periods, and the risks they pose to ERISA plan sponsors

State-mandated or encouraged insurance premium payment grace periods, and the risks they pose to ERISA plan sponsors

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, some states have prohibited or pointedly encouraged carriers from canceling benefits policies, so for some employers, deferring premium payments appears to be a win-win – employers retain cash for other immediate needs and employees don’t lose coverage. However, employers and their plans’ fiduciaries should be cautious for several reasons.

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FDA Kicks Trans Fat Out!

On Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took major action against the presence of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the main source of artificial trans fats in our diet. Mostly found in processed food, the FDA has given food manufacturers a three-year...

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