Health Risk Solutions

The impact of adolescent mental health and substance use on employers
Young people may not seem like a priority for employers but they should. Adolescents face a lot of change in a short amount of time, putting strain on their mental health.
EEOC Wellness Out the Window – Now What?
In late December, federal courts handed down the decision to vacate the imposed 2016 worksite wellness incentive regulations, effective Jan. 1, 2019, due to lack of action by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). These headlines may startle and frustrate...
An Apple (Watch) a Day Keeps You Moving!
As employer sponsored programs gain momentum, more and more creative solutions are being offered to help motivate employees toward changing behaviors. In an effort to improve employee health, fitness devices have quickly become a powerful way to incent goal setting...
New Test Can Quickly Diagnose Zika Virus
If, like me, you’ve been waiting for some good news related to the Zika virus, we finally have some. A rapid test for detecting the virus has been developed by two major Texas health centers, according to an announcement they made earlier this week. The test offers...
Fitness Apps and Wearable Technology: As Good as the Hype?
Fitness applications seem to be everywhere these days and they can track nearly everything about you. There are the usual suspects that help you track what you eat, your activity levels, your heart rate and your stress levels. More unusual apps help you monitor your...
Flu Vaccines: Skeptical or Smart?
Whether we want to think about it or not, flu season is upon us. Fortunately flu activity is low in the US right now, but according to tracking managed by the CDC, there are early signs that activity is beginning to increase. And we all know what that means: messages...
Wellness Programs Are Alive and Well, Despite Rumors of Impending Demise
Are wellness programs on the decline? Do employees resent them, and do employers see their investments as a waste of time and resources? If you buy into some recently published articles, you might think the answer to all three questions is a resounding yes. Two of the...
Will Health Plans Cover Addyi for Women with Sexual Dysfunction?
Last week, a new drug called Addyi, manufactured by Sprout Pharmaceuticals, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug is intended for use by pre-menopausal women diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). It works by boosting...
Improving the Health of Populations
You can’t read healthcare-related publications today without seeing references to population health management. It’s a fairly simple concept. Population health management (or PHM for short) refers to organizing and managing care to proactively improve the health of...
Is Obesity Overtaking Overweight?
According to a new study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the number of obese individuals in America has overtaken the number of people who are overweight. The study’s authors, from Washington University’s Prevention Research Center, estimate 67.6 million...
FDA Kicks Trans Fat Out!
On Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took major action against the presence of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the main source of artificial trans fats in our diet. Mostly found in processed food, the FDA has given food manufacturers a three-year...
PCSK9 Inhibitors: Is Their Fast Track to Market About to Be Derailed?
Whether you’re a plan sponsor, doctor, patient or pharmacy benefit manager, you’re likely to be eagerly awaiting the release of new specialty medications to treat high cholesterol. Called PCSK9 inhibitors, these drugs are expected to hit the market for the first time...
Why Data is Your Best Defense Against the High Cost of Specialty Meds
According to a recent story in the New York Times (Speedy Drug Approvals Have Become the Rule, Not the Exception), FDA approval timeframes for new specialty drugs are being shortened and the pipeline is filling up with new medications. That’s why it’s more important...
New Bill Offers Clarity to Employers with Wellness Programs
Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) is following through on his warning that if the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) didn’t issue regulations, he would introduce his own legislation to clarify requirements for employee wellness programs as they relate to...
Good Nutrition? Good Grief!
Over the decades, the guidelines for proper nutrition have continued to evolve, much to the confusion of the general public. After all, it sometimes can appear that new guidelines completely contradict previous guidelines, which makes people trust them less. However,...