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Virus on the Rise

Computer CryptoWall Virus on the Rise When you hear someone talking about a virus on the rise, you probably instantly assume they are talking about the Ebola virus that has caused an outbreak in West Africa. But there is another virus on the rise that you should be...

Aetna Acquires bswift

Benefits Administration Technology Firm Acquired by Insurance Provider as Private Exchange Technology Musical Chairs Game Continues Greetings from Los Angeles! While I’ll be sharing some blog posts over the next weeks about why I’m out on the west coast and about the...

Employee Engagement 101

I know it’s been a while since I’ve put out a “101” post, but I’m back with some more! In case you missed the last 101 post from me (Courtney), you can read it here. So the topic for today’s post is employee engagement. I choose this topic not because I am recently...