Crisis Averted…or Merely Postponed? – The Fiscal Cliff Deal and What It Means for Employer Benefit Plans

President Obama signed into law on Wednesday the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, a last minute compromise by federal lawmakers that pulled the nation away from the “fiscal cliff.” The law makes permanent numerous federal tax provisions scheduled to expire on...

IRS Announces 2013 Benefit Plan Limits

Benefit plan limits from the IRS have been announced, and they are yours for the reading in this recent Compliance Alert from the Lockton Benefit Group Compliance Services Department. As noted in the Alert, there are many sections in the Tax Code that limit the amount...

DOL Self-Compliance Checklist for HIPAA and Other Health Care Laws

The DOL has posted on its website a 38-page self-compliance checklist that covers several of the major laws that apply to employer group health plans.  The Self-Compliance Tool is located at The checklist includes questions on...