by Mark Holloway | October 21, 2011 | Adult Child Coverage, Health Reform, State and Local Issues
One of the nearly immediate benefit mandates under the health reform law is the obligation on the part of health plans to cover eligible employees’ dependent children to age 26. The mandate includes a corollary provision in the federal tax law that makes the extended...
by Mark Holloway | September 29, 2011 | Health Reform, Individual Mandate
As my Constitutional law professor once quipped, “Congress can make you diaper your dog.” However, beginning in 2014, can Congress make individuals pay a penalty if they do not have health insurance coverage? Later today, the lawyers for the White House will ask the...
by Mark Holloway | September 20, 2011 | Compliance Services, Medicare
A provision in last year’s federal health reform law accelerated Medicare Part D’s annual enrollment period, beginning this year. The annual enrollment period used to run from November 15 to December 31; however, for this year and future years, the annual enrollment...
by Mark Holloway | September 13, 2011 | Health Reform
Legislation to Repeal Limits on HSAs and Health FSAs Introduced in the Senate and the House Earlier this year, legislation was re-introduced in the Senate (S. 312) and the House (H.R. 605) to repeal two provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...
by Mark Holloway | September 9, 2011 | Health Reform, Insurance Exchanges
[written by Mark Holloway, JD] If you’re familiar with the health reform law, you have heard of the health insurance exchanges. These are vehicles to be established in each state that will allow individuals and small businesses to shop for health insurance coverage...