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Much has been written about Millennials and the very specific ways we, as benefits communicators, need to communicate with them. And while it’s important to plan for this group that will someday be the largest generation in the workplace, we shouldn’t lose focus on our older workers. (Though it pains me, let’s define “older” as 50+ in this case.) After all, this group is also a significant factor in your employee base, particularly as people remain in the workforce longer than ever.

We tend to think of younger people as more in tune with technology. After all, they’re digital natives, having grown up with constant access to technology – particularly mobile technology. And they use technology far more frequently than Gen X and baby boomers, right?

Not really.

It turns out the 50+ age group is the largest group on the Internet today, at more than 30 percent of the United States’ 200 million+ users. They shop online, research whatever interests them online, and they’re all over social media. In fact, more than half of online adults in the US who are 65 or older use Facebook today. Sixty-three percent of adults ages 50-64 are also active on Facebook. And many of them are getting online it via smartphones and tablets. Even more important, more than 90 percent of them use text messaging.

So what does this mean for your benefits communications? It’s true that you should consider developing benefits messages that are targeted specifically to each generation in the workplace, because some of their concerns and needs will be different. But it may mean you can use many, if not all, of the same online channels to reach them.

I’m going for a run now. If you need me, send me a direct message on Twitter, a private message on Facebook, an email or a text. I guarantee you’ll reach me!